How to Spot a Counterfeit Handbag: 7 Ways to Make Sure You Find the Real Thing



The internet is a double-edged sword: designer merchandise is just a click away, but quality and authenticity can be a gamble. Most of us end up buying some styles online, but it’s hard to tell the authenticity, not to mention that the dream wallet of your dreams may not be near your location. Before spending your hard-earned money on an uncertain designer bag, it’s best to know what to look for to make sure it’s truly authentic luxury bag.

Why Should You Avoid Buying Fake Handbags?

When you find that a designer bag you love has a much lower price than a regular bag, you may feel too good to be true – because that’s usually the case. Counterfeit handbags, also known as fakes, are very common, both online and in real life, and while they may look appealing, it’s best to steer clear of them. In addition to disrespecting the work of the original designer, the construction of a fake handbag is usually of lower quality, so it may not look like it appears in the picture and/or it may soon fall apart. You also don’t know if harmful chemicals are used in the production process, putting yourself and the bag manufacturer at risk.

There are also ethical reasons not to buy counterfeit bags: not only is it illegal, but you may inadvertently contribute to a criminal enterprise that engages in forced labor and human trafficking. Even in the luxury sector, labor conditions in factories have never been ideal, but in the case of unregulated manufacturers, the situation is even worse. Nearly 28% of counterfeit products seized by the government are handbags and wallets, and according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, more than 90% of counterfeit products come from the international mail and courier environment, with the majority of them flowing through small e-commerce businesses. Bottom line: Know before you buy, always choose authentic products, and do your due diligence ahead of time.

How to Distinguish the Authenticity of a Handbag

Pay extra attention to trendy bags

It’s a simple supply and demand relationship, but unique, coveted brands and styles are most likely to be replicated. The bags with the highest counterfeit rate are classic styles from brands such as Hermès, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton, mainly because of the limited ability to find them in boutiques, resell them online, or sell them at a premium price. The pervasive reach of social media also plays an important role in this, because if it is popular with the masses, it is likely to be replicated in some far-flung factory, and whenever we see a popular style on social media, we know that we will like it the most. It is possible to see a lot of fakes.

Choose your retailer wisely

Reputation is everything. Instagram ads from an unknown “luxury” brand keep popping up in your feed?Do some research, read company reviews, and check sites like the Better Business Bureau before entering your credit card information to get a deal that seems too good to be true. Make sure the company has a “Authenticity Guarantee” to give you peace of mind. Make sure you’re buying from where the certification is done in-house and that they support their own process. Also, do your own research and compare the package you want to buy with other similar packages. There are some reputable authentication services that you can use.

Have a list of authenticities

There are several factors to keep in mind when checking the authenticity of a package, including checking the quality of the material, logo, and serial number. Regardless of the brand, Chavez-Sainz recommends paying attention to the following details to ensure they match the designer’s accurate description of the bag:

  • Hardware (zipper, engraving, hardware finish)
  • Logo and “made” seal
  • Plate Ceremony
  • Date code or designer ID (Is it a factory code, date code, lot code, or serial number?) Make sure that the font style and date code or designer ID correspond to the corresponding year of collection.)
  • Materials used on the exterior and inside (leather, fabric, lining mixture)
  • monolithic structures, such as stitching and resin glaze
  • Luggage accessories and packaging

Gain a sense of touch (and use common sense)

If possible, it’s always better to buy the bag in person, as you can verify your list at the counter. Use your senses to touch the bag. Does leather look, feel, and smell like leather?Do your research before you shop in person: find out if it should have a date code or designer ID, and if so, learn how to read it, as well as research the typography and formatting of the logo. Check the quality of the construction and the materials used, especially the hardware – the hardware is an important clue for me.

Look for a consistent style

Styles and product specifications have changed over the years. But now we’re all little internet sleuths, so compare photos and description details just like you would do a background check on your best friend’s new Tinder date. Consistency is key: look at the style of the bag and compare it to other bags to ensure consistency, advises Chavez-Sainz. Try to find the date code or the designer’s unique ID by photo or description, and confirm that it matches the year and style of the bag.

Check the typography

Typography is often one of the best ways to spot a fake bag, but what exactly is it? It’s the font you’re reading right now, the unique style of your favorite movie title, or the font in any advertisement, logo, or brand. Essentially, it’s the look and feel of any written word, and luxury brands use unique typography.

Check the layout of the logo, including the ‘made’ logo. Is it all uppercase or lowercase?What is the shape and font of the letter (i.e., serif or sans-serif, whether the spacing is tight or enlarged, etc.). Paying attention to these small details will help you ensure that you are buying an authentic bag.

Know the common red flags

Especially when it comes to ultra-exclusive brands, it’s best to stay on top of the key red flags. The structure of every brand shifts over time, so it helps to keep an eye out for warning signs. An interesting fact about the Celine bag is that you should never see the number ‘5’ on the front of its zipper pull, however, for other brands, it might be fine. For a Dior bag with screws, you will definitely not see Phillips-head screws. For Fendi, be aware of grammatical errors on sewn RFID tags.

At Last

If you’re still hesitant to splurge on a designer bag, it’s always better to choose a bag designed by a local artisan (no luxury brands) or a gem from a thrift store than to buy a fake. I’d rather not buy counterfeit products just because I don’t know the reasons behind the labor conditions. Ultimately, these products are made with the cheapest quality parts and won’t last long compared to genuine bags. Remember: there’s no need to impress the rest of the world with labels. You’re unique, so make sure you’re getting a high-quality, personalized piece that will retain its value for years to come.

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